Ava Festival, Tuba, Benguet
Municipal Ordinance no. 283, series of 2017 amending section 2 of municipal ordinance no. 235 series of 2014 establishing the conduct of Ava Festival in the municipality of Tuba, Benguet.
Ava is a root crop which is one of the staple foods of indigenous peoples of Benguet in olden times.
This festival aims to promote traditional knowledge and practices on the production and utilization of roots and tubers such Ava.
Among the benefits of root crops such as Ava as presented on the study of Gayao,B.T. et.al, 2013 are as follows : Good for cleansing (promotes easy bowel removal and encourage flatulence) ; improves immune system ; has higher nutrient contents in terms of calcium, vitamin C and vitamin A; are good sources of dietary fiber and are considered low in glycemic index.
Let’s support and consume locally grown products for a Healthier Benguet!
Happy Ava festival!!